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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Photos of Daniel with Cows' Milk Allergy

Wonder if you can see that his eyes had actually started to swollen abit. And he was having mild fever at this time. It is around 7pm on Sunday. By 12 midnight, his eyes were so swollen and he was developing high fever.

At around 8.30pm. This was how his body looked like with the rashes.


sitinurulhawa said...

alahai.. kesiannya daniel.. berapa lama baru hilang rashes ni?

Elena Woo Lai Leng said...

Yang ni, lepas ambil ubat Atarax trus hilang.

Skrg da tukar susu dia, so da takda rashes mcm ni. Cuma kadang-kadang masih ada bintik2 merah sini sana. Dia sekejap ada, sekejap hilang. Mcm biskut Chipsmore.

Kami pun hairan ni..