It is good to have a day of rest on anyday of the week (except Sat and Sun, of course, because it is already rest days for me). I get to wake up late, laze around, and practically do nothing, except house chores and looking after Daniel.
Yesterday, was the first day of the year that we had a day of rest right smack in the middle of the week. And what did I do ? Get up, take my bath, bath Daniel, cook, feed the two big guys, then cross stich, and then water the plants, cook, eat, bath and sleep. I think it was nice, staying at home and basically doing all the things that I left idling for so long in the closet. Syg was busy trying to finish up his Titanic Project.
All in all, it was fabulous staying in .... Wonder when is the next holiday coming ? Ummmm......
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