
This site's content is meant to be a place to vent
out anger, frustration, happiness, sadness and all other kinds of emotions. So,
read at your own risk ....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Family of Three... Soon To Be Four

Yes, I am expecting ....

In fact, our second baby will be due in another 10 weeks time... I continue to pray that it will be a smooth delivery and the baby will be a healthy baby... Please pray for us yeah...


God's Salvation Is For All

Today's homily was indeed very enlighting, well at least to me. In the past, we may have heard that "Unless you are a Catholic/Protestant/Methodist/etc, you are not guarantee a place in heaven." Meaning to say, unless you are baptised, God's salvation is not for you.

Today, it is a new understanding. The Church now says that God's salvation is not only for you and me, but for all, Christians and non-Christians alike. God made ALL human being in His likeness, therefore, salvation is for all. The only thing that God will look at the end of the day is how had we lived our life. Have we lived according to God's command ? Treating one another with equal respect, doing good deeds towards all, and not just the selected few, being honest, etc...

Once again, this is a reminder to all of us. God's mercies is for all of us for He said, "I will accept offerings from all, as long as My covenant is kept."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hurting Your Child In the Midst of Anger

I read in the newspaper yesterday of how a lady (I would not even call her 'Mother' as she is not fit to be one) threw her 2-year old son towards the wall just because she had a quarrel with the husband. My God, the kid is only 2 years old and was subjected to such cruelty.

What makes it even worse was the mother only brought the baby to the hospital a week later after the baby cry continuously. The doctor found out that the baby's left leg was broken, as well as several other bruises on the body.

This woman should be sentenced to jail for hurting the baby. Sometimes I really don't understand how can you hurt your own flesh and blood ?

1/2 Month Bonus For Civil Servants

Well, this certainly is a good news to us... Half a month bonus with minimum payout of RM500. It certainly has been a long time since we enjoyed bonus.

Um, I wonder if there will be another half a month bonus in December ? I sure am crossing my fingers...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Wasted 1 Hour at the Bank

I wanted to update all our CIMB passbook as well as ASB passbook at  the bank today. So, I went and collect my number for ASB counter at 10:39. The number given was 2018 and at that time, it has served up till 2005.

I waited and waited and waited.. At 11:45, then only my number was called. Upon at the counter, I was told that updating of passbook can only be done by the account holder. I had a rude shock. I asked when was this rule set in place. They told me in July it was enforced, not only to CIMB but to all other banks. This announcement was published in newspaper as well.

Well, how come I didn't read it in The Star ? And most banks, if not all, have online banking. How come this announcement was not published in their respective website as well ?

Geez...... I am super duper upset of wasting my time for nothing...

Banyak songeh

Oleh Maiamalina Mohamed Amin
E-mel ArtikelCetak ArtikelTanda ArtikelBesarkan Saiz TeksKecilkan Saiz TeksKomen Artikel
KUALA LUMPUR: “Kita sedih perkara ini berlaku, malah ada yang menelefon saya pagi tadi (semalam) memberitahu bagaimana dia diperlekehkan ketika meminta bantuan daripada pihak berkuasa sedangkan katanya pihak gereja cepat bertindak.
“Memang ini dakwaan dia, tetapi kita kena siasat dan nilai kembali, adakah benar seperti apa dikatakan, jika betul kita harus bertindak mengubah apa yang patut,” kata Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim.

Beliau mengulas tindakan segelintir umat Islam yang mendapatkan bantuan daripada pihak gereja, malah serbuan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) ke atas sebuah gereja di Seksyen 13, Petaling Jaya baru-baru ini membongkar segala-galanya. Metro Ahad semalam turut melaporkan luahan seorang wanita dikenali Nur yang tidak mempunyai pilihan lain, dan terpaksa menerima bantuan makanan dan wang daripada pihak gereja selepas mendakwa sering mendapat cemuhan. Mashitah memberitahu, wanita yang menghubunginya itu adalah salah seorang daripada individu terbabit yang menerima bantuan bulanan selepas dia gagal memperolehnya daripada saluran diusahakan pihak berkuasa.

Katanya, wanita berkenaan yang enggan namanya dikenali, turut mendakwa pernah memohon bantuan dengan pusat zakat dan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), namun tidak mendapat layanan sewajarnya menyebabkan dia kecewa.

“Saya mendengar rintihannya. Dia menceritakan bagaimana pengalamannya dengan pegawai bertugas, dengan pegawai agama yang tidak melayan permohonan bantuan seeloknya tetapi, memberikan pelbagai alasan...masih diproseslah...hari ini cuti dan sebagainya.

“Tetapi katanya, pihak gereja cepat bertindak, mereka bertanya dengan lembut, masukkan duit pun cepat...usaha ada apabila pihak berkenaan turun padang berbanding kita yang menunggu orang datang baru bertindak.

“Tak bermaksud menunding jari terhadap mana-mana pihak, sebaliknya sekadar menyampaikan apa yang disuarakan individu ini supaya dapat dinilai bersama....kalau ada kebenaran atas apa yang didakwa, kita perlu perbaiki...harus segera laksana,” katanya ketika dihubungi, di sini, semalam.

Mashitah berkata, semua pihak perlu mengambil semangat Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang mengutarakan rakyat harus didahulukan dalam semua perkara, sekali gus mengurangkan birokrasi punca sesuatu bantuan lewat disampaikan.

I do echo the voice of Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim. If there is any hiccup in the process, we have to find ways to rectify the problem. Otherwise, the outsiders will look at us and start laughing - we can't provide the help, so others chirp in and start helping but were condemned by these same group of people who could provide help in the first place. Even I looked at it as ridiculous. What's more from the point of outsiders.

Rasuah orang susah

Oleh Maiamalina Mohamed Amin
E-mel ArtikelCetak ArtikelTanda ArtikelBesarkan Saiz TeksKecilkan Saiz TeksKomen Artikel
KUALA LUMPUR: Tindakan gereja yang menggunakan pendekatan membantu golongan susah dan kemudian menarik mereka secara perlahan-lahan untuk menganut Kristian adalah rasuah yang tak bermoral.
Bekas Pengerusi Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim), Datuk Mohd Nakhaie Ahmad berkata, perbuatan itu yang dilaksana pendakwah Kristian jelas terkeluar daripada ajaran sebenar agama terbabit yang mengetengahkan pembentukan moraliti. “Tindakan gereja itu satu rasuah yang tak bermoral apabila menggunakan orang susah, membantu mereka dan kemudian menarik mereka perlahan-lahan menganut Kristian.

“Kita tahu cara itu bukan ajaran Kristian sebab didikannya sangat mementingkan pembentukan moral, tapi apa yang dibuat itu adalah daripada pendakwahnya yang tidak bermoral.

“Kalaupun mungkin terdesak untuk mendapatkan penganut, mereka (gereja) tak boleh melanggar moral, nilai Kristian...tetapi apa yang saya bimbang golongan ini gunakan Kristian untuk rosakkan negara kita,” katanya, semalam.

Ahli Majlis Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia (Perkim) itu menjelaskan, keamanan dalam Malaysia selaku negara Islam berkemungkinan besar dicemburui pihak tertentu yang cuba merosakkannya dengan pelbagai cara.

“Kami tahu negara Islam banyak yang bergolak disebabkan campur tangan negara asing, penjajah dan sebagainya, (jadi) saya bimbang ia berlaku di negara kita (menerusi pendekatan di gunakan gereja) sedangkan ajaran Kristian tidak membenarkan begitu.

“Tak ada masalah kalau mahu mengajar, ajarlah...tetapi jangan sampai menggunakan orang susah, konon membantu mereka dan tarik mereka untuk menukar agama.....tak wajar,” katanya.

Beliau juga bersetuju pembongkaran Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) terhadap perkara itu suatu yang perlu dilakukan bagi menyedarkan semua pihak sekali gus menggerakkan usaha mengekang penularan aktiviti itu.

Katanya, selain Jais, polis juga perlu sama menyiasat perkara terbabit sama ada wujud kemungkinan campur tangan pihak luar yang berselindung di sebalik gerakan gereja untuk mengucar-kacirkan keamanan negara.

“Perkara ini kalau tidak didedahkan akan berlaku krisis agama....lagi parah seperti yang berlaku di negara lain, mungkin akan ada orang Islam ekstrim yang bertindak membakar gereja, kita tak nak ia berlaku.

“Jadi sudah tiba masanya umat Islam bersatu atas dasar akidah walaupun berbeza fahaman politik. Kita kena tegasdalam soal akidah. Jangan ada ahli politik yang menggunakan isu ini dalam tawar menawar politik,” katanya.

This was another article that I read in Harian Metro today. Makes me even angrier. Makes me wonder whether these are those people who are trying their very best to create social disharmonious.

JAIS Barged In Into An Event Organized By The Christians

I am sure many of you all have heard about the recent news that some JAIS officers barged in into an dinner event organized by the Christians an NGOs, and attended by some Muslims (like some mafias or barbarians or what) because they said they have sources that the Christians are trying to convert those Muslims.

I duuno whether to laugh or cry when I read the news. Has Malaysia really became that bad where eating with one another was deemed trying to convert them ? Have we all lost our rationalization or even common understanding ?

We live in a multi-racial country. We can't be avoiding each other. Just because the dinner was organized by the Christian group, we do not stoop that low and try to convert people of other faith. Jesus never taught us like that.

If we were to reverse the situation and start saying that when we were invited to attend the Majlis Buka Puasa or some other event organized by the Muslims, are we saying that by attending those event, we are compelled to convert to their religion ? I am sure no sane human being would think that way. By why are those JAIS officers behaving like that ?

You may be the majority in this country, but once you start acting like that, every tiny bit of respect that the rest of us may have towards you will slowly disminish. How can we live as 1Malaysia if the very tolerence we used to enjoy with each other is slowly being ripped off ?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Selamat Berpuasa

The month of Ramadhan has arrived, and once again our Muslim brothers and sisters had began fasting in preparation of the Eid-ul-Fitr.

So, here is a wish to all my friends out there - Selamat Berpuasa.
May the God Almight blesses you and your loved ones.