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Sunday, August 14, 2011

God's Salvation Is For All

Today's homily was indeed very enlighting, well at least to me. In the past, we may have heard that "Unless you are a Catholic/Protestant/Methodist/etc, you are not guarantee a place in heaven." Meaning to say, unless you are baptised, God's salvation is not for you.

Today, it is a new understanding. The Church now says that God's salvation is not only for you and me, but for all, Christians and non-Christians alike. God made ALL human being in His likeness, therefore, salvation is for all. The only thing that God will look at the end of the day is how had we lived our life. Have we lived according to God's command ? Treating one another with equal respect, doing good deeds towards all, and not just the selected few, being honest, etc...

Once again, this is a reminder to all of us. God's mercies is for all of us for He said, "I will accept offerings from all, as long as My covenant is kept."

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