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Monday, October 10, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

Ironically, Steve Jobs passed away the day after the IPHONE 4S was revealed. Some said it was as though he can finally rest in peace knowing that Apple will be in a good hand, now helmed by Tim Cooks, the man that Steve Jobs personnally chose to lead Apple.

Though I am not a user of Apple products, I can't help but notice how this man's vision and ideas had helped to change the world's view on technology. No longer the word tech is only associated with tech geeks. Through Steve, all generation, be it young and old had come forward to embrace the technology. No longer are they fearful of it, but instead, delighting in every single step they made.

Thanks to you, Steve for not giving up on us, on yourself ....

I am sure your legend, your story, your inspiration will continue to live on. May your soul rests in peace and the Lord comforts those who mourn for you.

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